DC Comics Reveals Full "Rebirth" Cast of Characters !!!!!

DC Comics Reveals Full "Rebirth" Cast of Characters !!!!!

DC Comics continues to peel back the curtain of its "DC Universe: Rebirth" one-shot, which goes on sale tomorrow. After a shared unveiling on DC's social media channels, the publisher has released the superhero-filled double-page spread that appears at the end of the issue, as illustrated by artists Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Hi-Fi. Click on the below for a high-res version of the image.

REBIRTH splash


The image is reminiscent of classic group shops by DC legend José Luis García-López, or the "Drawing the Line at $2.99" campaign from 2010. Dozens of heroes appear on the illustration, from the classic -- Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are naturally front and center -- to the recently returned (that's freshly revived former Flash Wally West in the lower-left hand corner) to entirely/relatively new characters, including the New Super-Man Kenan Kong and Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz. Feel free to name as many characters as you can, and let us know how far you get in the comments.

Written by DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and illustrated by Reis, Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver and Phil Jimenez, "DC Universe: Rebirth" #1 kicks off a line-wide relaunch of the DC Universe titles, with multiple core titles like "Batman" double-shipping, and all series launching with a new #1 -- except "Action Comics" and "Detective Comics," which will return to their legacy numbering started in 1938 and 1937, respectively.

Along with the relaunch comes a renewed focus on optimism and legacy, something stressed by Johns in multiple interviews. Notably, all the heroes in this "Rebirth" illustration are smiling -- even Batman's sporting a smirk -- a striking contrast to the darker interpretations in past years of DC's heroes in comics and live-action.

While the "Rebirth" one-shot is not yet on sale, details leaked online this past Friday, leading to DC Comics itself issuing spoiler-y press releases on some of the issue's major developments -- leading to an increasingly tricky challenge for fans looking to avoid plot details before reading the actual book.

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