Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite is Arriving in 2017 !!!!
Marvel has revealed more details, reflected below.
Confirming widespread rumors, a new installment of the “Marvel vs. Capcom” crossover fighting-game franchise was officially announced today during The PlayStation Experience.
The first game in the series since 2011, “Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite” will arrive late next year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.
Marvel-vs-capcom infinite !!!
Character details scant but the teaser trailer suggests Capcom favorites may face off not against classic Marvel Comics heroes, or their animated counterparts, but instead characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Only Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Ryu and Mega Man X have been announced so far.) That’s probably to be expected, given the blockbuster popularity of Marvel’s movie properties and Fox’s control of the X-Men film rights.
According to PlayStation, “Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite” will include a variety of single-player modes and multi-player content, and feature Infinity Stones, which “can be implemented into players’ strategies as a way to influence the outcome of battle.” An announcement from Marvel adds, “In addition to single-player Arcade, Training and Mission modes, a visually stunning and immersive cinematic Story Mode will put players at the center of both universes as they battle for survival against a sinister new threat.”
Rumors of the PlayStation Experience announcement emerged last weekend with apparently leaked teaser images for “Marvel vs. Capcom 4.”
An extended trailer for “Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite” will debut Sunday on ESPN during the Capcom Cup 2016 broadcast.
Source : CBR